What Happened at ⋮IWConnect in Q1 of 2021?

16 Apr, 2021 | 5 minutes read

The first quarter of 2021 just ended and officially we mark 1 year of the new normal or COVID-19 situation. All of us expected 2021 to be a bit different, but it seems as the history is repeating itself, though this time we have experience and it seems that there is light at the end of the tunnel – vaccines are already available. We hope and believe that at the end of this year everything will get back to how it was previously and we will be just stronger and more experienced.

But, in this blog post we do not mean to talk about COVID-19 and vaccines, rather see what we have accomplished in the past three months of 2021. As we are starting the second quarter of 2021, first of all, we want to say that we are grateful to everyone that supported us, walked the journey with us, and were in any way involved in our story during the first three months of 2021. In a nutshell, this is what happened during the first quarter of 2021.

Q1 Statistics

  • New Employees – 14% Increase
  • New Projects – 11% Increase

All our ISO certificates were renewed, and we gained 7 Gold Competencies in Microsoft Partner Network (Read more).


During these 3 months, our multi-disciplinary teams have been focused on research, building, and delivering solutions in different areas. As it is our practice to create blog posts out of our solutions, here is a list of posts related to some of our solutions:

Microsoft – Dynamics 365

Quality Assurance



  • Custom Mastercard MATCH Connector in Mule

Business Support


  • Going Serverless with Spring Function AWS Lambda and Dynamo DB

Data Management

In addition to this, our teams are working on creating accelerators and 2 new products whose goal is to reduce time and cost, but increase efficiency and productivity. In our next update, you will be able to read more about them. In the meantime, you can visit our blog post and case studies section for news and updates.

The Future is Enterprise Automation – Enterprise Integration Summit, 2021

The digital era, the new emerging technologies, and the current challenges that the world is facing are forcing modern enterprises to accelerate their digital transformation initiatives. Many of them have already started this value-add transformational process which improves and adds new value to their business and customers every day.

Achieving and maintaining digital transformation success is impossible without enterprise automation. And this year, our partner SnapLogic has organized their annual Enterprise Integration Summit, which was dedicated to Enterprise Automation. As long-standing partners, we were part of the event both as speakers and in the exhibition area. Our representative Simona Todorska talked about the power of supply chain automation. If you want to find out more about our presentation, you can visit our blog post here, or you can contact us for the video material.

Life at ⋮IWConnect

  • Internal Virtual Events


⋮IWHeroes is an internal, virtual event where our employees share the accomplishments, challenges, and lessons learned while working on a project. This type of event happens once per month with the intent to share the knowledge within the company and see how can we further use that knowledge to provide value to our partners and clients.


Living in dynamic time requires constant investment in yourself. The ⋮IWGrow process that we have started aims to strengthen our internal growth-mind organizational structure. This, in turn, will make us even more resilient and will just improve the value that we provide to you.

⋮IWHappy Hour

Since COVID-19 has banned our social gatherings, our ⋮IWHappy Hour continues to bring cheerfulness and laughter once per month. We usually spend this one hour getting to know some of our colleagues and playing some virtual games. We believe that the occasion is a nice way to keep the family and positive spirit that we nurture within our company.

Investing in our new home

At the beginning of last year, we have announced that we have bought our own premises and that soon we will move to the new offices. However, COVID-19 paused our activities there, but starting from 2021 we continued our activities and we believe that by the middle of the year one part of the new premises will be ready. You will be able to see more pictures of the premises in our next update.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Being a socially responsible company is part of the existence of ⋮IWConnect. We are really happy when we can help other people achieve their dreams, or improve their life in some way. In the manner of donating, our donation activities this quarter were oriented towards a sports club and an individual who was in need. We are proud to say that even in the first quarter of 2021 we have put smiles on more than 20 people with our donation activities.

Get to know our team

As a company, we are proud of our employees, their accomplishments, and how they manage to overcome every challenge posed to them. That’s why we promote them regularly on our website and social media accounts. If you want to see who stands behind all the great things that we have achieved, check our blog post section on our website, Life at ⋮IWConnect section.

This was just a summary of the major things that were happening in the past three months. If you want to see what we are doing on a day-to-day basis follow our social media accounts and website.

Until next time, stay safe and healthy!