Blog Type: Technology

Data Mining Using Orange

Why do we need Data Mining? Nowadays there is a huge amount of data available everywhere, the only concern is how to utilize this data to generate some sort of knowledge that can be used for decision making. Data mining is the answer. Data mining discovers hidden patterns of the already available data, extracts knowledge […]

Prepare Your People for Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence? What is Artificial Intelligence? Are we scared of AI or are we eager to use it completely to our benefit? When people think about AI, the first thing that usually comes to their mind is robotics, and robots overtaking people’s work – and this is scary. But what is AI? How can we […]

The Starting Points of Your Data Journey – KPIs

In our last article of the Data, Analytic, and Artificial Intelligence series, we covered the approach and value of becoming a data-driven organization (Read about it here). However, it is essential to know that technology is not the first step. Next to the analytical data culture within the company (which we will cover in the […]

Taking the “Programming in C#” exam – What, Why and How

Being a part of the Microsoft developer community is a perfect chance to learn, upgrade your knowledge and become a professional in what you do. One way to do this is by taking exams and achieving certificates – we all know that exams exist to show us whether we have the appropriate knowledge or we […]

Executing Robot Appium Tests on Sauce Labs Using Bitrise

Introduction Bitrise is a CI/CD platform with a main focus on mobile app development. It can also be used for running tests, setting up nightly builds, etc. In this article, we want to show you how you can add a new app on Bitrise and how to run Robot framework tests with Appium library using […]

Process Bottleneck – What, Why and Its Influence

Even though we are familiar with the fact that it is impossible to control the stages of a project, we can agree that keeping control is a good thing. From work experience, the most typical examples of bottlenecks can occur in software testing and quality review processes, and if left untreated can cause a lot […]

Transforming an entire object into Base64 string and vice versa in Mule 4 and DataWeave 2

In this article, we will explain how to transform an entire object into Base64 string and vice versa using DataWeave 2 in Mule 4. Base64 is an encoding and decoding process of converting Base64 to binary data to an ASCII (American Standard for Information Interchange) text format and vice versa used by any successful Senior […]

2019 at a Glance

Data-driven Organizations and the Value of Big Data

We have already talked about data, but before you enter the realm of the immense quantity, you should turn to the problem you are trying to solve. Do not be deceived by all the technological advancements and beautiful stories. Otherwise, you will buy a hammer and go on the adventurous search for the right nail. […]