⋮IW’s March Technology Accomplishments

09 May, 2018 | 3 minutes read

Time runs like the river current and so March has ended. Every day has its own story, and every day is a new chance to start something new, make a change, become a better version of yourself and provide support and help to others. What are the things that March brought to our clients’ tables? Here is a short review of some of them.

Data management accomplishments

Our clients can take the managing data burden off of their backs now and have us managed it for them properly. To provide that ease to them, our Data Management practice is working at a fully speed on researching, testing and using the best available solutions and models on the market for data management.

quality assurance accomplishments

One of our clients decided to expand their collaboration with us – one new resource started working on performance testing of their mobile CMR application. In addition to this, another client decided to try the ParasoftSOAtest tool that we offer. All this was supported by the training of 6 additional resources, five of them for Rapise and one of them for Jmeter. The value and trust we add has been proven once more.

microsoft practice accomplishments

During March, one of our clients teamed up with us and decided to work hand in hand on their premises thus increasing our mutual trust and leveling up our collaboration. When speaking about collaboration, another client decided to start working with us and entrusted us with a new project. To make sure that everything goes smoothly, the Microsoft practice expanded – we have incorporated new resources.

process and project management practice accomplishments

Changes are good, especially when they bring you closer to the edge of reaping success – and one of our clients can now use the new features which were acquired with the migration process of data from one system to another providing more flexibility and better service. Moreover, eight successful sprints on 3 different projects moved our clients one step up the success ladder. To do all this and to provide even greater value, our project and process management practice this month put the focus on continuous improvement of Jira and Jira Service Desk, as well as on learning and integrating new Atlassian products.

 support and maintenance practice accomplishments

To have your workstations and systems monitored all the time is imperative if you want to avoid major breakdowns and long hours functionless. During March, our clients have reported total 91 incidents which were resolved in less than 24 hours and no damage occurred. Compared to February, there are 7 more incidents, but we should take into consideration the fact that February is the shortest month of all. As the proverb goes, time is a valuable resource so it’s better to do things as quickly as possible – and our support and maintenance team succeeded in keeping up with it.

cloud practice accomplishments

New possibilities were given to one of our clients by the inclusion of EUT on their project, or speaking more specifically the gap between the development and testing process is now in the past. In order to create a greater value, we included two more resources on the project. And last, but not least, students and IT professionals had the chance to enrich their knowledge by attending the TechUp meeting where interesting topics were presented. For more info about it, you can check the blog post about it.

31 days spent creating value, giving support and spending a lot of time on research, development and learning to provide the best service. Every month brings new challenges and different stories to be told, and we highlight March as the month when 5 new colleagues joined ⋮IW’s family and are now being empowered to fulfill their personal and professional goals.

For those of you who have missed our February’s newsletter, you can read it here.