Chapter 16 of ⋮IW’s Story – 2020 at ⋮IW

11 Dec, 2020 | 3 minutes read

Year: 2020

Date: 01.01

Location: Planet Earth

So the new year began.

We were all excited to see the new challenges that the new year will bring. Equipped with experience, knowledge, desire to learn, and innovate, we started writing Chapter 16 of ⋮IW’s Story. We had plans on where to go and what to do, which direction to take and we firmly started paving the road to the goals that we have set… and then March and COVID-19 happened, and everything that we have planned changed in a second. But, before proceeding to the period starting from March up until now, there were some things that happened during the first three regular months of 2020 which we want to mention.

And while we were doing all that and getting ready for the rest of 2020 and our activities, in March 2020 we had to pause and change our plan and strategy completely. Work from home became our routine, curfew hours, masks, sanitizers, virtual hanging out with friends, colleagues, and families became our new reality. Though deprived of a lot of things, we quickly adjusted to the new situation (same as the rest of the world). We changed our offline events to online, implemented activities to keep our spirit and mind positive, provided regular information to our clients and employees about the situation within our company because we believe that prompt information in a time of crisis is essential, etc. And it was during COVID-19 that our management team increased by one member plus – our Chief Commercial Officer joined us.

If we are asked to describe the period from March to December with two words we would say: simple, changeable.

Why simple? Because we got back to the simplest and positive things in life – connections to other people and living the moment.

Why changeable? Because during this period we got the time to stop for a second, ponder deeply and see what we should change (personally and professionally).

Last June, we decided that it is time for a change. A change that would result in increased value to our clients and enhanced services. Thus, we set on making some significant organizational changes, for which, 6 months after their implementation, we can proudly say that they were the right thing to do. And as said in our previous post, change is inevitable, and it is the norm if you want to succeed in this ever-changing world, which leads us to our last change for this year.

Since the entire year has been about changing plans and strategies, adapting and adjusting expectations with the reality, as we are getting ready to put an end to 2020, we are also getting ready for one major change. We believe that this change will mark the beginning of a new era at our company. Wait and see. It seems as 16 is our lucky number, so circle December, the 16th in your calendars, as that is the date when we will announce our last change.

Stay tuned…