Blog Type: Technology

Client-side Performance Testing with BlazeMeter

Introduction BlazeMeter has an intuitive UI to create tests or reuse existing scripts and run them at scale as part of the continuous testing strategy. Besides creating tests, it has the ability to generate detailed reports and provide historical trends. BlazeMeter is a complete continuous testing platform that allows several test phases: Functional Testing, Mock Services, […]

Drools Decision Tree Generator Plugin

Most of us are familiar with the phrase Business Rules Engine and why they exist. As you know, Business Rules Engines serve to automate decisions in various steps of a business process. The automation is done on the basis of pre-defined conditions. The benefits of having Business Rules Engines are huge, some of them being […]

Amazon Machine Image for Testing Purposes

Introduction Amazon Web Services (AWS) significantly augments the various phases of the software development cycle, especially the development and test phases. AWS in the development phase can be used for various purposes, such as managing version control, project management tools, building processes, or environments hosted on AWS; by using best practices. Regarding the test phase, […]

Benefits of Supply Chain Automation and Integration

We are living in times when the customers’ needs change and increase at a rapid pace. Enterprises involved in supply chains might already feel this pressure and the importance of satisfying the growing consumers’ needs. On the other hand, when living in the digital era automation is key in maintaining a competitive advantage. Thus, automation […]

Improve Your Development Process with Visual Studio Code

Introduction As our team continued to develop the e-commerce solution in our PHP unit in one of our daily communication we came out with one question and that is: What can we do to make the development process even better? At one time or another, while we are developing, each of us has a different […]

Using Laravel Observers and Events to Create History Logs

Introduction Laravel is a PHP framework that comes with a really nice, elegant syntax that any Senior Laravel Developer uses. It is followed by a lot of interesting and useful features, one of which is the Laravel observer pattern. Laravel Observer can be used to create history logs. In our article, we are going to […]

Why Having a Managed Service Provider is Crucial for Your Business?

In a fast-evolving and extremely digitalized setting, companies need to have someone to rely on when it comes to the proper functioning of internal systems and infrastructures. Having a Managed Service Provider is nothing new in the IT world, and yet there are still some companies doubting the efficiency and benefits of employing a Managed […]

Customizing Salesforce to Avoid Duplicate Contact Creation and Automate Email Sending

As a Customer Relationship Management Service, a Salesforce developer provides a wide range of applications focused on customer service, marketing automation, analytics, and application development. As part of the system, Salesforce has contacts and accounts as standard objects. If we want to define contacts and accounts, contacts are used for storing information about the people […]

Leverage the Power of a Partnership with an IT Consultancy Company

Technical terminology can be vague for companies working in industries that are built on specifications. For example, the terms business IT consulting, IT services, and software consulting may appear completely different and self-explanatory. However, that is not the case – sometimes it can be tough to tell where one ends, and another begins. Regardless of the distinction among them, […]