Was React Alicante 2022 worth visiting?

04 Nov, 2022 | 3 minutes read

React Alicante 2022 is an international conference held in one of the sunniest cities in Europe. The conference featured 33 international speakers and 10 skill-boosting workshops, attracting around 600 visitors from all over the world.

⋮IWConnect stays at the forefront of technology trends and eagerly participates in significant conferences. Part of our Microsoft team visited React Alicante 2022. Read on to find out if the conference was worth attending, according to our team.

React Alicante

1.How satisfied were you with the event and how useful was the event?

Aleksandar Stojanoski

I attended this event to stay updated with the latest technologies in the IT world, especially JavaScript. This was my first time at React Alicante, and I found it both great and useful. Interesting topics were covered, and we learned a lot. We also met colleagues from around the world, shared experiences, exchanged knowledge, and networked

Eli Risteska

I was eager to attend this event to meet colleagues facing similar challenges, share experiences, learn new things, and gain new perspectives. This was my first time at such an event, and it was very interesting and useful. All the presentations were engaging, and the presenters were excellent. One of them was Macedonian, which made me proud.

Kristijan Momiroski

It was a great event with good topics focused on new JavaScript technologies. The event and its content made developing applications easier. It was useful for meeting new friends, like one of the speakers, Kitze, and learning new tools and technologies. My main goal was to expand my knowledge and see how other developers work with React, GraphQL, and Next.js

2. What was your favorite experience or moment of the event?

Aleksandar Stojanoski

My favorite experience was networking with colleagues worldwide. Despite traveling for 25 hours and only getting one hour of sleep, the adrenaline from the conference kept us going.

Eli Risteska

After traveling for 25 hours, we rested for an hour and attended the workshop. Despite the lack of sleep, the energy and concentration during the workshop were surprising. Exploring the beautiful town afterward was refreshing.

Kristijan Momiroski

Although I initially wanted to attend a different workshop, the one I joined turned out to be amazing. In four hours, we learned new things and created a workable POC, even with just one hour of rest.

React Alicante

3.What was your biggest takeaway from the event and what did you learn at the event?

Aleksandar Stojanoski

The event covered many interesting topics, and the new approaches and friendships made a lasting impression. I learned a lot, including how to implement ‘Finite State Machines’ with the ‘XState’ JavaScript library in React.js.

Eli Risteska

The quality content from excellent presenters showed we are up-to-date with the latest trends. The biggest takeaways were the experience, new contacts, presentation techniques, and friendships. The presentations gave me many new ideas to implement in my daily work.

Kristijan Momiroski

The event was well-organized with many good topics and speakers. The biggest takeaway was meeting people with similar routines, sharing contacts and experiences, and learning new things. The front-end discussions were particularly interesting, and I plan to dive deeper into those topics.

4.Would you want to attend this event again in the future?

Aleksandar Stojanoski

Yes, changes in the IT world happen daily, and we learned a lot of new things, so it was worth it!v

Eli Risteska

Yes, definitely!

Kristijan Momiroski

Yes, it was great, and if there is a chance, I would like to attend it again, possibly as a speaker.

Aleksandar, Eli, and Kristijan, thank you for sharing your experiences with us and giving an overview of React Alicante 2022.

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