IW Technology Category: Jira

Business Enablement

Roadmaps and Jira Next Gen Projects

In this blog, we will talk about Roadmaps and their main usage, how to create a roadmap, change the style of the roadmap, and also

Business Enablement

Jira Query Sub-Filter Plugin

This post was originally posted on LinkedIn. Atlassian Jira is an incredible tool for task tracking and structural activity monitoring. Many business processes, software development, inventory,

Business Enablement

Boosting JIRA Reports using PowerShell

PowerShell scripts are widely used by small or large enterprises. This scripting language has been provided by Microsoft and by using it IT professionals are

Business Enablement

Ease Your Hiring Process with Jira

The job of an HR Manager can be a stressful one, especially if you do not have a well-established system for hiring employees. Full mailbox,