⋮IWConnect Employees at a Glance

05 Feb, 2021 | 2 minutes read

Growing up in Bitola in the late 1990s and early 2000s was challenging. Our country was struggling, and the world was in the midst of a financial crisis known as the Internet Bubble. During this uncertain time, my family often told me, “computers are the future.” This advice shaped my career direction from a young age.

My first computer was a modest one, I could play a couple of games and connect to the Internet using time-limited Internet cards (cards that I got for free when I bought some IT Magazines).

Later, I began developing simple applications using Delphi on this machine. With limited resources, I relied on documentation and code samples from magazines, proving that self-learning in technology is possible.

High school was not very exciting, but there were some highlights. My first “aha moment” came when we learned about processors and Assembly. I began to understand how the processor works, communicates with memory, and performs calculations. I realized that things are not as complex as they seem, and we can learn everything.

In high school, I used Visual Basic and Delphi to create desktop applications connected to a database. I even sold one application to a local company. This experience fueled my passion for Delphi and my belief in my capabilities.

At that point, I was obsessed with Delphi and I thought I can do anything (I still do).

In college, I discovered Java and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). As I improved, I found that Java aligned well with my thinking. Despite the popularity of PHP for web development, I preferred Java. Over my career, I have worked with various programming languages, but I favor Java-based technology for solving problems.

Throughout my career, I have used different programming languages and tools but I prefer Java-based technology to solve problems.

This year, my goals include working on microservices architecture and addressing challenges in the FinTech industry. Many Wall Street financial institutions use Java for everyday business, handling millions of transactions per second. This clearly shows that Java is both fast and secure.

Recently, my family has grown with the birth of our first child, Luka. I try to spend as much time with them as possible, enjoying watching Luka grow and develop new skills.

On weekends, you won’t find me in a pub. Instead, I’m usually walking our dog in the nearby mountains, conquering local peaks, or having barbecues with friends.

This is our second post in the category ⋮IWConnect Employees at a Glance. Follow our Social media accounts, and website to learn more about our employees.