⋮IW Employees at a Glance – Natasha

20 Nov, 2020 | 2 minutes read

My first acquaintance with computers was in eighth grade. Information Technology was an optional subject, but it caught my attention. At the end of the school year, there was a national IT competition but my teacher thought I was not eligible to attend because I was a girl. Fortunately for me, the boy who was preparing to go to the competition gave up three days before the event. I asked the teacher again, and since he did not have time to train another boy, he had to choose me. And, although we had very little time to prepare, I won second place :).

Thus, my journey in the IT industry began. But, I love math too. So, I enrolled in a high school with math as my major subject and then I started my studies at the Faculty of Natural-Mathematics, Institute for Information Technology in Skopje. During my studies, I liked every aspect of computers, programming, and math. It was very fun to learn cool stuff like Finite-State Machines, Combinatoric algorithms, Numerical Methods in Programming, etc. That’s how I got attracted to machine learning.

Here it is now, after a while, it all came together. With Data Science as an interdisciplinary field, I’m identifying business opportunities and harvesting them using sophisticated data analysis techniques, statistics, and various machine learning models. And I enjoy every step of it! I can say I found my dream job here at ⋮IW.

And in my free time? Well, I love books, mostly psychological thrillers, since they involve a lot of facts that need to be put together, i.e. they correlate perfectly with my daily job. I even assembled a small library that helps me relax and stretch my mind.

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