Modernizing Integration with Large Language Models: Efficient AI Migration from BizTalk to SnapLogic

30 Jan, 2024 | 2 minutes read

The frenzy that got a hold of the world by introducing capable and generic AI models like ChatGPT to the public is bound to transform the way we go about every day, from the simplest to the most complex tasks. Not embracing artificial intelligence or machine learning would hinder one’s potential and stifle innovation, which propels competitive growth and the refinement of business operations. With that in mind, we have a short demonstration of the capabilities that large language models offer when engaged and used correctly in integration. The legacy tools and systems are still ever present in the industry, and the size of effort and resources expended in modernization is no meager feat, so let’s see how we can utilize LLM (Large Language Models) to reduce cost and accelerate the migration of a BizTalk integration architecture to a SnapLogic one.

Accelerating Migration of a BizTalk Integration Architecture to a SnapLogic

The problem at hand addresses standardization, and for this demonstration, we have omitted identifiable information in the various steps of the process. So, to speed things up, we can use two prompting techniques: one for a basic query setup and another for semantic analysis.

  • Few-shot prompting stands out as a highly effective technique. This approach becomes crucial when working with large language models (LLMs), especially when zero-shot prompting (providing no examples) may leave the model without sufficient context or understanding of the task. By introducing a few examples, few-shot prompting significantly improves the LLM’s performance and comprehension.
  • Consider our use case scenario: we supply the LLM with a BizTalk input schema and its corresponding output as a JSON representation of a SnapLogic pipeline, demonstrating the integration of system components. This example illustrates how few-shot prompting can effectively guide the LLMs in understanding and executing specific tasks. Watch the video here to get a use case of integrating: Prompt Engineering Techniques in Action. 
  • Complementing this, Chain-of-Thought (COT) prompting is another valuable technique. This technique proves particularly fruitful when, despite being presented with sufficient training data, the Language Learning Model (LLM) struggles to comprehend the task. CoT prompting strengthens the reasoning abilities of our transformer model by guiding it through logical steps. When combined with few-shot prompting, CoT becomes an even more powerful tool, improving the quality of the LLM responses.

Here’s a short video of the explanation above:

By utilizing these techniques, we can more effectively engage with LLMs, particularly in complex tasks like migrating from BizTalk to SnapLogic, or integrating chatbots into natural language processing cases. Conjunction of few-shot and CoT prompting forms a robust approach, exploiting the full potential of the retrieval capabilities of the LLM for multiple applications.