My Story at ⋮IWConnect – Marija the Perfect Addition to the Culture of Growth at ⋮IWConnect

11 May, 2021 | 2 minutes read

After a short career in the start-up environment, Marija decided to join ⋮IWConnect. Read how she adapted to the growth culture in our company fast and managed to evolve to a Senior Technical Consultant in just four years.

IWC: How did you start your career at ⋮IWConnect?

I was part of one start-up IT company in Bitola for 4 years and I decided to take a step ahead in my career. In 2017, I became part of ⋮IWConnect, the company with the best reputation in Bitola. From this perspective, I am really glad that I made that change, because here I met colleagues with whom I can share knowledge and learn something new on a daily basis. At ⋮IWConnect, we work as a team and I am happy about that. I started as a Technical Consultant and became a ‘Senior Technical Consultant’. This is proof that I am growing professionally and I made the right choice 4 years ago.

IWC: Why did you choose Microsoft as a core technology?

I was a fan of Microsoft technology years ago. When I decided to become part of the IT industry I knew that I will develop solutions using Microsoft technologies. So, I started as a .NET developer, but now I am focused on .NET core and Azure services (again Microsoft technologies). I think I will hang out with Microsoft technologies for a very long time…

IWC: Do you feel you are at the right place today?

Yes, I do. I am proud to be a part of this successful story, named ⋮IWConnect. I am convinced that the best is yet to come because we connect the DOTS to unleash our clients’ business potential ?

IWC: What would you advise Marija 4 years ago?

To become part of ⋮IWConnect as soon as possible ?