Meet Nikola- A Handball Player that Loves Dogs

28 Nov, 2022 | 2 minutes read

Nikola began his journey with IWConnect in 2021, bringing positive energy and a spirit of growth to our Novi Sad office. His passion for state-of-the-art technologies, constant improvement, and handball shapes the person he is. Read more about his journey at our company and the great plans he has for our Novi Sad office.

When did you start working at ⋮IWConnect and how would you describe your first working day at ⋮IWConnect today? 

I joined IWConnect in September 2021. My first day was relaxed, with our HR colleagues providing a thorough introduction to the company and its processes.

What led you to this career?

This opportunity was unmissable from my perspective. My goal to develop an office in Novi Sad came true. Expanding a company that has been in the market for 19 years is a great responsibility and pleasure. I am eager to create something beneficial for all of us in the long run. We have ambitious plans for our office in Novi Sad and the company in general.

List 3 things that make your working experience here different than other working experiences that you had.

  • Growth opportunities
  • Transparency
  • Willingness to improve at any cost

What’s the most exciting part of your job? 

I’ve jumped into something unknown and stepped out of my comfort zone. Learning and growing with others drives me.

What’s one thing that surprised you about working at ⋮IWConnect? 

The company puts a lot of effort into charity and helping others. I am proud to be part of a company that practices its core values daily. Unconditional contribution is something we cherish every time we can. Growth is another value we cherish. To be successful, especially in IT, you need to grow constantly. Being part of a company that supports this is priceless.

What’s a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of?  

I hope there are many more to come, but so far, I am proud that we have established a good base in Novi Sad and grown the team with amazing people. We have great potential to grow even further.

What kinds of activities energize you? 

Spending time with loved ones is one of the things I enjoy most. I also appreciate challenges. Recently, I returned to playing handball after almost 10 years. It’s hard to compete with young players, but I will endure, even with sore legs after each session. A good hiking route with my girlfriend and our dogs is always welcome. 

If you weren’t in IT, what would you be? 

I’ve asked myself this question many times, from high school to now. I’ve dreamed of playing handball professionally, having a ranch with sheep and horses, and growing organic goodies. Lately, I gravitate toward the last one.