Meet Darko Gichevski – Senior QA Engineer

15 Apr, 2021 | 4 minutes read

Darko is part of ⋮IWConnect for 5 years now, and he is working in our QA department. His huge efforts have contributed to many successful client stories and boosted the significant growth of our QA department. He has huge expertise in various manual and automation testing tools and is one of the friendliest people in the company. Following is his entire story. 

IWC: What can you tell us about your career path within ⋮IWConnect?

Well, I started as a Junior QA Consultant in the company with no clear picture of all the challenges and opportunities that this position will bring. I was in the IT industry for almost 5 years in different areas, before I joined the ⋮IWConnect family. Like every new beginner at ⋮IWConnect, I was opened and excited to learn new tools, approaches, methodologies and constantly improve my technical and soft skills. ⋮IWConnect allowed me to get acquainted with various technologies and tools, to learn from experienced colleagues, and work for eminent companies worldwide. And here I am, 5 years later working at ⋮IWConnect as a Senior QA Engineer in the area of Software Testing. I have the same feeling of joy and excitement as the first day when I joined this company and even more. I love my job, the people that I work with, and I am excited about all the new challenges that come with the clients that we work for.

Last but not least, keep in mind that hard work always pays off.

IWC: What was your biggest accomplishment from a technical point of view?

Ohh, this is not an easy question. Every client or a new technology that we face during our daily work is a separate story with lots of challenges and requirements that we must solve.

If I must select one, I will say that we had a client that wanted to create a testing team in his company from scratch and integrate it with all other departments and processes they had. We are talking about a giant company with thousands of employees in their IT department. I must say I was part of a successful team with architects and managers that were working on creating processes and rules to combine all different departments and teams. After that, we had an educational process for the tool that we selected and installed in the company as a test management solution that will deliver results, value, and will increase the quality of all services and solutions they offer to their clients.

IWC: You are a very active member of the company’s social life. Tell us more about it. How do you manage to maintain social in such challenging times?

I’m an open-minded person that respects everyone’s opinion. I have one personal rule and definition for a Successful Life, and that is: “Make connections and create friendships with everyone, that is the meaning of life and that makes me richer”. Based on this, I give my best to make deeper connections with everyone in the company and outside of it, hear what they have to say, share our life stories and experience as well as create new ones. We are living in a modern world where some basics beliefs are changed, but I’m an old school person and still believe in real friendships and I’m sure that they can be built.

IWC: Tell us about your main motivators at ⋮IWConnect?

Before I answer this question, I must mention my biggest internal and external motivators and supporters (Fan club :)) and they are: my wife, my two kids, and my closest family.

Internally in ⋮IWConnect, I must say I’m very proud that I work for this company and that I’m a part of this family. We have many successful professionals and I count them as personal motivators in our everyday communication and the challenges that we are facing. Our managers and the closest team are people that I’m very proud of and are my leading examples. In the end, my main motivator is my personal unlimited belief and willingness for constant growth and desire to achieve greater goals, work with new things, and compete alongside the strongest.

IWC: Share with us one of your proudest moments in ⋮IWConnect.

I don’t have only one, I must say I have several moments when I was extremely proud, and they are:

  • When I was a Team Lead for the first time, and my manager gave me the opportunity to lead a team with colleagues that have no experience. I was in heaven and afraid at the same time that I will fail at something. I wanted to prove that I know how to do it and that now is my time and I grabbed the opportunity.
  • The second time was when I became a Senior consultant. I was blinking from happiness because the management recognized my dedicated work and the quality that I give in everyday challenges.
  • In September 2020, I was chosen to be an Employee of the Month. This is an internal award with the intent to showcase our hero or heroine of the month, emphasize the importance of hard work and recognize outstanding work.

IWC: What about you outside of work? What do you enjoy doing and how does that contribute to your day-to-day job?

In my outside world, apart from work, I’m a family person who enjoys being with his family and friends and spending time with them. I love to drink coffee and Coca-Cola a lot. Also, I want to spend my free time chatting about the IT trends and opportunities that the industry has to offer, sharing knowledge, and have open discussions and debates. I think information and knowledge are key to my success. I try my best to be up to date with information about the IT industry so I can contribute to my day-to-day job.