⋮IWConnect and XRay Partnership: From Bugs to Breakthroughs

27 Mar, 2024 | 2 minutes read

Software bugs are every developer’s nightmare. After dedicating countless hours to meticulously crafting new features, a single flaw can send it crumbling before the user’s eyes. That’s why quality assurance (QA) is mission-critical. And Xray, the leading QA tool for Jira, is at the forefront of ensuring software teams release rock-solid products.

We are thrilled to deepen our partnership with Xray – we’re now an Xray Certified Emerging Partner. This isn’t just about a badge, it’s a shared commitment to delivering incredible value to our clients. We combine Xray’s powerful testing capabilities with our expertise in software integration, creating a powerhouse that drives better outcomes.


Xray: Your Software Bug Exterminator

Xray can help you track and manage your code, and squash bugs through these core functions:

  • Test Planning: Let’s say you’re building an e-commerce site. Xray enables you to map out a comprehensive test plan focused on the checkout process – verifying payment methods, handling errors, and testing functionality across different locations.
  • Test Cases: Within your plan, you’d design test cases covering all the scenarios: successful transactions, invalid credit cards, discount codes, inventory handling, and more.
  • Test Execution: Run tests manually or automate them with integrations. Xray keeps tabs on results, flagging issues for quick resolution.
  • Reporting: Visualize progress instantly. Xray’s reports spot gaps in testing coverage, pinpoint failure trends, and demonstrate improvement over time.

⋮IWConnect: Your Integration Masterminds

We are more than a solutions provider. We’re your integration experts and strategic partners. Our Xray expertise elevates everything:

  • Guidance You Can Trust: Our certified team knows Xray inside and out. We help you create testing strategies, design those bug-catching test cases, set up automation, and squash defects like a pro.
  • Integration is Key: Xray is awesome, but it gets even better. We seamlessly weave it into your existing Jira setup, linking it with your other project management and development tools.
  • Process Powerhouse: We help you streamline testing, cutting out the busywork and making your team more efficient. Your product gets to market faster.
  • Support That Doesn’t Stop: We’re with you even after the integration’s complete, ready to help you optimize and adapt as your software evolves.

The Dream Team: Benefits for You

When we joined forces with Xray, amazing things happen:

  • Higher-Quality Releases: Sleep easier knowing your software is thoroughly tested, reducing the risk of nasty surprises after launch.
  • Faster Timelines: Say goodbye to endless bug-fix cycles. Xray helps you find and eliminate issues earlier, getting your innovations into the world faster.
  • Greater Efficiency: Optimize your testing resources, automate repetitive tasks, and focus on what matters most – building incredible features.
  • Happy Customers: When your software works as intended, users rave. That builds loyalty and fuels long-term growth.

Let’s Talk: Take Your Testing to the Next Level

Are you ready to transform testing from a headache into a driver of innovation? We are here to guide you. Let’s explore how we can use the power of Xray and our deep integration expertise to elevate your software quality and ensure customer satisfaction.