February at ⋮IWConnect

02 Mar, 2018 | 3 minutes read


1st, 2nd, 5th, 25th, 28th … boom 1st March. February, February – the shortest month of all has ended. It feels like yesterday was New Year’s Eve and today spring is already at the door. February is known as the month of love, as St. Valentine’s Day is on 14th February – ah Cupid, you and your love arrows, you have colored February, and not just February, our company as well in the love color. You will understand what I am talking about, just wait a little bit.

I believe that for many, and for us as well, February has been a really productive month, though it lasted only 28 days. It is the month when everything gets back to normal – after all those celebrations and parties, and people start preparing for the spring and summer. Okay, now let’s get back to our topic – what happened at IWConnect during February?

Business Note

On a business note, our SnapLogic practice now is 100% certified in the SnapLogic field. We are proud that we have employees who are willing to invest in themselves, who are hard-working and ambitious. Some may say that getting certified is easy – well, I wouldn’t say that, because getting certified for a particular field of expertise, in our case SnapLogic, requires knowledge, experience and a lot of dedication.

Let’s communicate better

Let's communicate better

Second, we believe that effective communication skills and the ability to manage conflicts are really important in everyday life, so we have participated in several trainings tailored exactly for further development of the same. It was interesting to see how people start interacting with each other more and more, and how they start using what they have learned. Friendliness, confidence, empathy, open-mindedness, respect are now on a higher level than before. And the most important is that we all started to be better listeners than before, which further makes us better communicators.

Generosity is always a good idea

Generosity is always a good idea

The act of giving is in fact an act of receiving. You give what you have, but in return receive a lot more – your heart and soul get filled of joy. During this month we did one small activity which included donation of toys in several facilities that take care of children’s need. Everyone in the company participated in the action by donating toys, old (but well-kept) and brand new. What made us even happier was the fact that other people outside our company, i.e. the fitness center SHE Ladies Fitness Center joined us by doing the same.

Sport is Life

Sport is Life

⋮IWConnect Football Team

The people at ⋮IWConnect are team players and they have shown that in the first IT Super League organized in Bitola. It started in October and finished in February. They attended and played a number of football matches and won second place. So one medal goes to ⋮IWConnect football team.

Parties, sweets and cookies

Last, but not least this month we had thirteen birthday girls and boys. It was hell of a sweet month – I guess everyone gained several kilograms of all the cookies that we have eaten, but it was worth it. Moreover, we had one wedding and one engagement in our company. We are wishing the happy couples many years together filled with love, joy and happiness. Prepare for the ride.

Parties, sweets and cookies

 Dimitar & Ana Stojanovski   

Parties, sweets and cookies

Marko Gichevski & Anita Shumkoska

February was a month of a lot of things that happened. It was a challenging, exciting and merry month. We are at the start of March and we are eagerly waiting to see the new challenges and excitements it will bring.

‘Til next time