Celebrating 15 years at ⋮IWConnect – Tome Hristovski

18 Jan, 2023 | 3 minutes read

We are especially proud of our five employees who have driven our success over the past 15 years. These employees have been with us from the start, contributing to many milestones, happy clients, and new colleagues. To celebrate, we decided to feature these employees and ask about their journey and what has kept them with us for so long.

IWC: Working at ⋮IWConnect for over 15 years means being with the company almost from its start. During this time, employees experience career changes, growth, challenges, and achievements. Reflecting on the beginning, what made you join ⋮IWConnect?

Fifteen years is a long time, but looking back, it feels like it went by quickly. This period was full of ups and downs, challenges, opportunities, and making new friends and connections.

I joined because it was the largest IT company in Bitola at the time, offering immense growth opportunities. As the company grew, so did I. It became a medium-sized company with multiple locations, with values, mission, and vision that aligned with my personal goals. I’ve worked with talented teams and have grown and developed my skills in my role.

Staying with a company for over 15 years often combines personal and professional factors: finding fulfillment in work, feeling supported and valued, and aligning career goals with the company’s mission.

Being part of this company has been a rewarding experience, and I am proud to be here. Together, we have made a significant impact in our industry and community. Our innovative approach to problem-solving has developed new technologies and processes, benefiting both our clients and society. The company’s dedication to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion matches my personal values and has been a source of pride and fulfillment.

IWC: What was the first project you worked on?

My first project was developing a Generic Exception Handler (GEH) for an EAI architecture. I helped design and implement an exception-handling mechanism for graceful recovery and management of exceptions across the EAI architecture. I coded the front-end and back-end GEH business logic related to message execution, data collections, and exception recording using TIBCO/BusinessWorks. This was my first real-world project, and I learned a lot about software development and best practices. It was a great learning experience that developed my skills and instilled confidence in me as a developer.

IWC: During these 15 years you have worked in many teams and on many projects, can you share the one that changed you as a professional?

Leading a major client project significantly changed me professionally. I had always been a team member but never led a project. With limited management experience, I found the project challenging but rewarding. It developed my leadership skills, client communication, and understanding of time management and delegation. This experience helped me grow personally and professionally, making me a more confident and capable professional.

IWC: What is the one thing that kept you part of ⋮IWConnect for so long?

⋮IWConnect is a safe place to make mistakes, encouraging us to try new approaches and learn from them. This fosters continuous improvement and professional growth, creating an environment where everyone can voice their opinions and contribute to the team.

The company’s core values, “Adventurous Growth” and “Unconditional Contribution,” foster a unique and collaborative environment. These values empower individuals to grow, share their skills, and ideas, and contribute to the team. They set us apart from competitors and help us improve every day while giving back.