Reduce the Deployment Time – Reduce Manual Work to Zero

Overview & Challenge

All those people using microservices know the troubles that come with them – they require frequent code changes; a large number of configuration parameters and they mostly rely on AWS services. One of our clients, a US national cable service provider had a large number of microservices that should be deployed to AWS.

The client needed a solution that would reduce the deployment time and lower the complexity and manual work.


We proposed and built a deployment solution, providing:

  • CloudFormation script that defines all infrastructure resources that are needed for running the microservices: VPC, Subnets, Security groups, DynamoDB, RDS instances, IAM Roles etc.
  • CloudFormation script that defines all resources that are needed for microservices: SQS, SNS, Lambda functions, parameters etc.
  • Jenkins deployment file that contains all commands needed for building the code and running the scripts.

Business Outcomes

  • A low-cost reliable solution running entirely on AWS infrastructure making it fully scalable and upgradable at any moment.
  • A brand-new isolated environment for different purposes only in several minutes. Each environment is completely controlled by stack that physically isolates resources one from another.