Automated Accessibility Testing

Technology changes the way we live, and by that, it changes the way we access it. Living in an advanced world focused on innovation, and providing so many opportunities means that products, services, and websites should be accessible to everyone, including those with special needs. 

Automated accessibility testing not only ensures that the website is accessible to people with special needs, but it also provides other benefits, such as:

  • Meeting legal compliances
  • Improved search results due to the rich text that the website contains
  • Significant improvement of UE
  • Increased customer base and business growth

How it works

The accelerator is created by using the Robot Testing framework, i.e. axe-core library. Once implemented, it verifies rules for WCAG 2.0 and 2.1 on level A and AA, as well as a number of best practices. In addition, it enables automated execution by implementing Jenkins and provides reports with categorized impacts according to WCAG. These reports are sent by e-mail.

Click here to see an example report


  • Functional tests are very quickly transformed into accessibility tests, by adding only one line of code
  • Our automated accessibility testing framework saves time and resources
  • It is based on open-source free tools
  • A predefined process ensures that your website is compiled to WCAG requirements