The Data Lakehouse Revolution: Why Your Company Needs to Make the Shift

20 Aug, 2024 | 11 minutes read

In today’s data-driven world, businesses are constantly looking for better ways to store, process, and analyze their growing amounts of data. For years, data warehouses were the top choice for managing structured data. But as data volumes grow exponentialy and formats become more diverse (like APIs, flat files, IoT, and relational databases), a new, more efficient solution has emerged: the data lakehouse. This innovative approach combines the strengths of data warehouses and data lakes into one unified platform, promising to revolutionize how companies manage their data. Embracing data lakehouses is no longer just a trend—it’s a strategic necessity for businesses aiming to stay competitive and agile in a fast-changing environment.

Data lakehouses offer a powerful blend of benefits, including:

  • Improved scalability and flexibility
  • Cost-effectiveness is a key advantage when utilizing a data lakehouse for managing enterprise data.
  • Enhanced support for diverse data types and analytics workloads
  • Better performance for both traditional BI and advanced analytics
  • Simplified data architecture and improved governance

These advantages make data lakehouses an essential part of a modern data strategy. By combining data warehousing, data science, and machine learning in one platform, organizations can eliminate data silos, accelerate innovation, and maximize the value of their data.

]We encourage you to carefully consider how a data lakehouse could benefit your organization. Evaluate your current data challenges, assess the potential impact on your business processes, and start planning your migration strategy. The future of data management is here – it’s time to embrace it and unlock the full potential of your data.

Limitations of Traditional Data Warehouses

Traditional data warehouses have been reliable for decades, but they’re struggling to keep up with today’s data demands. One major limitation is scalability—as data volumes increase, warehouses require costly infrastructure upgrades. This leads to higher expenses for both storage and computing resources.

The strict structure of data warehouses works well for structured data but becomes a challenge when handling the diverse data types found in today’s business world. They often fall short in supporting semi-structured or unstructured data, limiting their effectiveness for comprehensive analytics. Additionally, data warehouses typically involve complex ETL processes, which create data silos and slow down access to real-time insights. In contrast, the data lakehouse stores incoming data in its raw form, supporting native schemas, data types, or file formats. This approach allows data engineers to focus on transforming data into valuable insights without the burden of complex ETL processes.

If you’re looking to enhance your data analytics and machine learning capabilities, you will find that a data lakehouse offers a more suitable environment to data science processes, with the open-source nature of the platform providing greater freedom to use popular languages such as Python, R, Scala, and others in addition to SQL. Unlike traditional data warehouses—which often require duplicating and moving data—a data lakehouse simplifies and streamlines the data analytics and machine learning process with reduced need to copy or move data.

These limitations are pushing many organizations to seek more flexible and scalable alternatives that can handle the diversity and volume of modern data ecosystems.

The Data Lakehouse Advantage

The data lakehouse architecture offers several key advantages that overcome the limitations of traditional data warehouses:

  • Cost-Effective Performance Scaling: Data lakehouses provide a flexible approach to balancing cost and performance across diverse workloads. By decoupling storage and compute resources, organizations only pay for the computing power they actually use, significantly reducing costs while maintaining the ability to handle intensive tasks when needed.
  • Enhanced Data Governance: With robust data lineage tracking and metric management capabilities, data lakehouses improve overall data governance. This unified approach reduces data duplication and breaks down silos, enabling comprehensive end-to-end data management while ensuring compliance with industry regulations.
  • Simplified Data Sharing: Many data lakehouse platforms include built-in data sharing functionality, streamlining the process of sharing data with customers and partners. This feature can also facilitate data monetization opportunities where appropriate.
  • Vendor Independence: Data lakehouses support a variety of processing tools, mitigating the risk of vendor lock-in. This flexibility allows organizations to adapt their data strategy as business needs and market conditions evolve.
  • Versatile Workload Support: From data science and engineering to analysis, data lakehouses accommodate a wide range of data workloads. This versatility enables the development of complex data models, machine learning algorithms, data pipelines, and analytical datasets for reporting—all within a single platform.
  • Adaptable Data Processing: Whether the need is for real-time insights or large-scale batch processing, data lakehouses offer the flexibility to support both streaming and batch data handling. This adaptability ensures organizations can manage high volumes of data while also delivering timely insights.
  • By combining these advantages, data lakehouses provide a comprehensive solution that addresses the evolving needs of modern data-driven organizations, offering a more flexible, cost-effective, and future-proof approach to data management and analytics.

Key Features of Data Lakehouses

Data lakehouses incorporate several key features that set them apart from traditional data storage and processing systems:

  1. ACID Transactions: Data lakehouses support ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties, ensuring data integrity and reliability even in complex, multi-step operations.
  2. Schema Enforcement and Governance: Unlike pure data lakes, lakehouses offer schema enforcement capabilities, allowing for better data organization and governance.
  3. BI and SQL Support: They provide robust support for business intelligence tools and SQL queries, making it easy for analysts to work with familiar tools and languages.
  4. ML/AI: Data lakehouses are designed to support advanced analytics and machine learning workflows, enabling data scientists to work directly on the data without needing to move it.
  5. Open Formats and APIs: Many data lakehouse solutions use open data formats and provide open APIs, promoting interoperability and reducing vendor lock-in.
  6. Unified Architecture: Lakehouses offer a single platform for data warehousing, data science, and machine learning, eliminating the need for separate systems.
  7. Metadata Management: Advanced metadata handling capabilities allow for better data discovery, lineage tracking, and overall data management.

These features combine to create a versatile, powerful platform that can handle a wide range of data processing and analytics needs, from traditional business intelligence to cutting-edge AI applications.

Key Considerations When Choosing Data Warehouse or Data Lakehouse

Choosing the right central data repository requires careful planning and consideration of several critical factors. These considerations will help ensure a smooth migration and maximize the benefits of your new data lakehouse:

  • Decouple storage and compute: Separating storage and compute resources in a data lakehouse architecture offers significant cost and performance benefits. This approach allows organizations to allocate computing power specifically to the needs of individual workflows or data teams, enhancing flexibility in development, testing, and deployment processes without impacting resources dedicated to production workloads. Moreover, this separation facilitates unrestricted data growth within the data lakehouse, as increases in storage requirements don’t necessarily lead to higher costs or budget adjustments in subsequent years. To maximize the advantages of this decoupled system, it’s crucial to first assess the computational needs of each workload and closely monitor both performance and associated costs. A practical approach is to begin by identifying resource-intensive workloads and initially testing them using small-scale compute clusters or resources, then gradually scaling up as needed. Additionally, it’s important to evaluate the historical data requirements for reporting and analytics purposes. If only recent data is necessary for these functions, you can optimize costs by adjusting the frequency of data transfers to cold storage, further leveraging the flexibility of the decoupled architecture.
  • Prepare for diverse data types: While your current data may be exclusively relational, it’s crucial to prepare for a future where data types are increasingly diverse. Data lakehouses excel in this regard, offering robust support for semi-structured and unstructured data formats, such as JSON, either natively or through integration with open-source tools. This versatility empowers developers to select their preferred tools and programming languages for data processing tasks. The inherent flexibility of data lakehouses significantly simplifies the process of integrating new data sources into your ecosystem. This adaptability not only enhances your organization’s analytical capabilities but also facilitates expansion into new markets or business entities. By accommodating a wide array of data types and processing methods, data lakehouses provide a future-proof foundation for your data strategy, ensuring you’re well-equipped to handle evolving data landscapes and emerging business opportunities.
  • Support multiple programming languages: Data lakehouses provide a unified platform where all members of the data team—including engineers, analysts, and scientists—can collaborate seamlessly. This environment supports a wide range of tools and programming languages, such as Python and SQL, fostering a more integrated approach to data processing and analysis. By centralizing these resources, organizations can more easily facilitate advanced data processing techniques, including machine learning applications. While this flexibility is crucial for organizational growth and adaptation, it’s essential to align the choice of tools and languages with the current and projected skillsets of your data engineering team. When implementing a data lakehouse, consider the strengths and potential areas for development within your team. To maximize the benefits of this polyglot environment, it’s advisable to establish clear guidelines for language usage. For example, you might recommend using python (pyspark) for data lake read and write operations, while employing SQL with Spark wrappers for transformation logic. By thoughtfully structuring your approach, you can leverage the full potential of the data lakehouse’s versatility while maintaining efficiency and consistency across your data operations.
  • Adapt to file-based storage: Data lakehouses employ a sophisticated curation process within the data lake itself, utilizing a multi-hop architectural approach. This strategy organizes data into distinct folders that represent different stages of data refinement: raw, aggregated, and optimized data products. The key to maintaining a well-structured and efficient data lakehouse lies in mastering the extraction and integration processes from source systems to the initial “raw” layer of the data lake. Selecting appropriate tools and implementing a sound baseline directory strategy is crucial to prevent your data lake from devolving into an unmanageable “data swamp.” When transitioning to data lakehouse architecture, it’s advisable to begin with a focused approach. Start by identifying one or two specific workloads to migrate initially. This allows you to establish a well-curated “raw” data layer, which serves as the foundation for the subsequent stages of the multi-hop architecture. By starting small and building incrementally, you can ensure a more controlled and successful migration process, setting the stage for broader implementation across your data ecosystem.
  • Select appropriate file formats: A key strategy for optimizing data lakehouse performance and scalability is effective file partitioning. Data lakehouse platforms offer specialized table formats, such as DELTA LAKE and ICEBERG, which provide advanced optimization features. These include file compression and automatic removal of obsolete files, helping to manage storage costs while maintaining high performance. It’s important to acknowledge that you may not have all the answers at the outset of your data lakehouse journey. A prudent approach is to begin by migrating a single workload to the data lakehouse. As you do so, consider several factors:
    • Retention policies for time travel features
    • Your ultimate objectives, whether they’re focused on business intelligence, machine learning, or both
    • Data volume and its impact on compression and partitioning strategies

Different table formats like DELTA and ICEBERG have unique strengths in supporting various use cases. It’s crucial to recognize that data lakehouse tools can vary significantly in their capabilities. Therefore, carefully evaluate the optimization features offered by each platform and consider how they align with your specific needs and long-term data strategy. This thoughtful assessment will help you maximize the potential benefits of your chosen data lakehouse solution.

  • Minimize data duplication: Data lakehouses employ a multi-hop architecture that significantly reduces the need for full data replication across different layers during ETL processes. The lakehouse’s metadata management system, leveraging ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) principles, enables ETL workflows to selectively copy only the essential data required for transformed outputs. This approach minimizes data redundancy and the need for extensive deduplication efforts. As data duplication decreases, the importance of precise access control and data governance increases. With data no longer distributed across multiple systems, implementing robust security measures becomes crucial, especially for organizations handling sensitive information or subject to data protection regulations. It’s essential to carefully define access rights for various business units, teams, and individuals within the organization. Remember that while the data lakehouse is built upon your existing data lake, security settings and access permissions from the data lake aren’t automatically inherited by the lakehouse platform. While there may be similarities, the lakehouse introduces new capabilities, such as granting metadata privileges, which might be appropriate for ETL teams but not necessarily for machine learning or business teams. This architectural shift necessitates a thorough review and potential redesign of your data access and security protocols to ensure they align with both your operational needs and compliance requirements. The enhanced control offered by data lakehouses allows for more nuanced and effective data governance, but it also requires careful planning and implementation to fully realize these benefits.
  • Real-time Analytics Capabilities: Data lakehouses excel at supporting real-time or near real-time analytics, which is increasingly critical in today’s fast-paced business environment. Unlike traditional data warehouses that typically process data in batches, data lakehouses can ingest, process, and analyze data as it arrives, enabling more timely insights and decision-making.

Key aspects of real-time analytics in data lakehouses include:

  • Stream Processing: Data lakehouses can easily integrate with streaming data sources and process this data on the fly, allowing for immediate analysis of incoming information.
  • Low-latency Queries: The architecture of data lakehouses supports low-latency queries on large datasets, enabling quick responses to complex analytical questions.
  • Continuous Updates: Data can be continuously ingested and made available for analysis without the need for time-consuming batch processes.
  • Unified Batch and Stream Processing: Data lakehouses allow organizations to combine historical batch data with real-time streaming data in a single query, providing a more comprehensive view of business operations.
  • Real-time Dashboards and Alerting: The ability to process data in real-time enables the creation of live dashboards and immediate alerting systems for critical business metrics.
  • Operational Analytics: Real-time capabilities support operational analytics, allowing businesses to make data-driven decisions in day-to-day operations.

By leveraging these real-time analytics capabilities, businesses can respond more quickly to changing market conditions, customer behaviors, and operational issues. This agility can lead to improved customer experiences, more efficient operations, and a significant competitive advantage in many industries.

A strategic approach to these critical factors enables organizations to smoothly adopt a data lakehouse architecture, paving the way for enhanced scalability, adaptability, and analytical power.

Business Benefits of Data Lakehouse Adoption

Adopting data lakehouses architecture offers numerous tangible benefits for businesses:

  1. Improved Data Analytics and Insights: Data lakehouses enable more comprehensive analytics by combining structured and unstructured data, leading to deeper, more nuanced insights.
  2. Enhanced Data Science and ML Capabilities: With native support for machine learning and AI workflows, data lakehouses accelerate the development and deployment of advanced analytics models.
  3. Reduced Infrastructure Costs: By eliminating the need for separate systems for different data types and workloads, companies can significantly lower their overall data infrastructure costs.
  4. Increased Agility and Innovation: The flexibility of data lakehouses allows businesses to quickly adapt to new data sources and analytical requirements, fostering innovation.
  5. Better Data Governance and Compliance: Unified data management features improve data quality, lineage tracking, and access control, aiding in regulatory compliance and data governance efforts.
  6. Scalability and Performance: Data lakehouses easily scale to accommodate growing data volumes and user bases without compromising on query performance.
  7. Real-time Analytics: The ability to process and analyze data in real-time enables more timely decision-making and faster responses to market changes.
  8. Simplified Data Architecture: By consolidating multiple data platforms into one, organizations can streamline their data workflows and reduce complexity.

These benefits contribute to better decision-making, improved operational efficiency, and a competitive edge in today’s data-driven business environment.