Our New Cutting-edge Website is Officially Live!

01 Jun, 2021 | 2 minutes read

Change is inevitable, and change is the only constant in life. Being in step with the progressive technology and world requires constantly investing in ourselves, improving, and adapting to the fast changes. Led by these changes and the need to restructure, last year (December 2020) we rebranded ourselves. The rebranding wouldn’t have been complete if we didn’t redesign our website. Thus, today we are very excited to announce the launch of our newly designed website. Visit us at www.iwconnect.com to view all the new features and functionalities that we have added.

It took us 6 months of hard work and dedication to create something that will reflect our new structure, organization, and value that we provide. We wanted to make our new website faster, easier to navigate, more user-friendly, and above all to reflect who we are and to provide our visitors the info that they need. In addition, it comes with an awesome dark/light feature – try it to see how it works! 🙂

Our goal with the new website is to provide our visitors an easier way to learn about the different types of solutions that we provide, to learn more about who we are, to browse information based on their choice, and furthermore to see what we do on a daily basis. The new website gives better and more detailed information about:

  • Who we are
  • How we work
  • Our Solutions
  • Our Expertise & Services
  • Our People
  • Blog
  • Case Studies
  • Improved Career and Company Overview Pages

Our current and prospective clients will be able to find information about our solutions directly on our website homepage, and can further explore them in the separate Business Solutions, Industry Solutions, and Accelerators. Additionally, each of the solutions is supported with Case Studies which provide information about the usefulness of the solutions.

Our current and potential job candidates will be able to find information about what we do for our employees on a daily basis, explore our core values, mission, and vision, and will be able to even sign up to receive updates regarding new job openings.

Amongst the many features is also our diversified Blog page which contains various sources of content:

  • How-to Guides about various technologies, challenges, and industries
  • Descriptions of solutions
  • Infographics
  • Case Studies
  • Interviews, personal stories, and other stuff related to our employees

You can also sign up to receive news and updates from our company by subscribing to our monthly newsletter.

The new website describes us completely and puts us in step with the changes happening around us. However, this is not a one-time change, we will continue with updates on our website to reflect not only the changes that are happening around us but also within our company.

We would also like to thank our amazing team that invested their time and energy to make this happen. For any questions, comments, and/or suggestions that you might have, please email us.