NANOX Windows Filter – One Way to Healthy Life

15 Nov, 2021 | 2 minutes read

NANOX Windows Filter – One Way to a Healthier Life

They say The morning shows the day, the way we start our day can really influence the rest of our day. Imagine starting the day with a ray of sunlight and fresh air, combined with a cup of fresh coffee. This would probably be the recipe for a perfect day. But, what happens when the fresh air and the sunlight are not there to make our days? During the winter period, the number of those sunny and clean air days is relatively small, which in turn makes air pollution a hot topic. Yes, unfortunately starting October air pollution and its intensity become part of our everyday conversations. Each one of us has an idea or a suggestion on how to improve the situation, but the results are usually minor, if not even invisible.

Globally, air pollution along with the current energy crisis is probably the biggest problem that the world is facing, COVID-19 included. And we, the humans, are the main reason for this. The contemporary way of living brought many changes which are good for us, but bad for nature. These changes include heavy automotive use, residential heating with wood and coal, the increased building of new homes within towns and cities, high use of electricity, and many other habits which pollute the air with chemicals and dust.

Even though the effects on human health can be seen and felt after a longer period of time, we have already started feeling the harmful effects that PM10 particles and air pollution cause. According to the World Health Organization, more than 2 million people die each year as a result of air pollution.

In order to help fight air pollution, ⋮IWConnect as a socially responsible company continues its activities focused on this problem. In the past years, we have donated air purifiers to kindergartens, and we have started a trees donation action called “Дај свој придонес, засади дрво ” , which will continue in future.

As part of our activities against air pollution, this year we have also donated NANOX windows in the kindergarten “Rosica” in Skopje. The windows were installed in 8 schoolrooms where more than 250 children spend their day. The windows will provide fresh and clean air in the schoolrooms regardless of the weather conditions and seasons, ensuring that the children that spend their day in schoolrooms breathe clean air without dust, smog, and/or pollen. We believe that our donation will aid in the fight against air pollution and will create a better and healthier environment for the children.

We hope that our activities will inspire others to join us in this fight against air pollution. And if our post inspired you and you want to find out more about these NANOX windows and their benefits, visit their website and see whether you can contribute to this cause. Every contribution matters, and by taking small actions we can make our environment a healthier and better place for living. Let’s join the fight against air pollution because we do not have an extra planet!