Meet Hristijan Boshkovski

28 Oct, 2021 | 2 minutes read

Hristijan has been part of our team for 4 years now. He works in the Microsoft department, exploring various powerful technologies and constantly providing value to our clients. His dedication and willingness to grow, combined with the support from his team, are constantly leading Hristijan on the path to success. In the following lines, read his entire story.  

How did you join the company and what is your role now?

I was a 3rd-year student at the Faculty of Information and Communication Technology when I applied to be part of a working group mentorship program that was organized by the faculty, in collaboration with successful IT companies. My team and I got the chance to work with amazing mentors from ⋮IWConnect, where we learned a lot and built an interesting application. After the working groups program finished and we presented the app we built, I got called for an interview, and as they say, the rest is history.

Fast forward almost 4 years since I started working at ⋮IWConnect, now I am a Technical Consultant specializing in full-stack web development using JS technologies (React, NodeJS), as well as Team Lead for the project that I work on.

What are you most proud of?

There are a lot of things that I can say I am proud of, but if I have to choose one, it has to be being part of this company, being surrounded by amazing people that are always eager to learn and help each other.

Tell us about an experience that shaped you as an individual.

Well, as a kid that grew up in Krushevo, a small town where everyone knows each other, going to college and staying in a dorm was a life-changing experience. Living alongside a lot of people from different backgrounds, different cultures, different opinions, and different personalities made me more independent, patient, determined, and understanding, and it helped me become the person I am today.

What are the most important lessons you could share after 4 years of working in IWConnect? 

The most important lesson I learned since I started working at ⋮IWConnect is that you can achieve anything, as long as you work hard and stay determined.

What were your biggest challenges from a technical point of view?

When you work in IT, technology is always a challenge. It keeps changing and improving at an unreal pace, and as a developer, you have to keep learning new things all the time to stay on top of the game. But for me, it’s a positive challenge since I like technology and I like learning new stuff and constantly improving myself.

Let’s say you were to start working at IWConnect tomorrow. What advice should lead your first steps towards success?

There are going to be a lot of successes and failures along the road, you have to keep working hard and stay focused on achieving your goals.