Employees at a Glance – Aleksandar Bacheski

05 Mar, 2024 | 3 minutes read

Meet Aleksandar Bacheski, a talented and dedicated employee at ⋮IWConnect. He has been part of our company for over five years as part of our mobile app development team. In this engaging interview, he delves into his professional journey, exploring what drew him to the world of mobile app development and the strengths he brings to the workplace. Join us as he uncovers his passions beyond the office and gains insights into his impressive career background.

IWC: What initially drew you to your current field or industry?

My interest in computer science began early. As a child, I wanted a career that was both prosperous and profitable. Computer science was gaining momentum and seemed like the best option. It was clear—I would dedicate myself to mastering these skills.

As my career progressed, I found my niche in mobile app development. It wasn’t a calculated choice but rather a perfect alignment of circumstances with my interests and abilities. My curiosity and adaptability have allowed me to excel in this dynamic field, combining technical expertise with creativity and problem-solving skills.

I stay committed to the latest trends and technologies in mobile app development.

IWC: What do you consider to be your greatest strengths in the workplace?

My greatest strength is thriving in a friendly and supportive work environment. Such an atmosphere fosters productivity, collaboration, and job satisfaction.

I value teamwork and open communication, essential in the fast-paced world of mobile app development. I always look for chances to work with my colleagues, share my knowledge, and learn from their different perspectives. This friendly and inclusive work environment contributes significantly to our projects’ success and my team’s growth.

IWC: Are there any hobbies or interests you’re particularly passionate about?

Outside of work, I am deeply passionate about cryptocurrencies. This interest goes beyond a casual hobby—it’s a significant part of my life.

My curiosity drives my fascination with blockchain technology and its potential to transform traditional financial systems. I spend a lot of my free time exploring trends, innovations, and developments in the crypto world.

One aspect that excites me is trading cryptocurrencies. I am constantly learning to navigate the fast-paced and unpredictable crypto market, seeking opportunities for smart investments. My analytical mindset and thorough risk management have helped me understand the market and develop effective trading strategies.

IWC: Please provide a brief outline of your professional background.

I have over six years of experience in mobile app development, with a strong track record of building high-quality applications across various platforms.

My career started with Xamarin, a cross-platform framework for creating native apps using C#. I quickly learned the details of cross-platform development and delivered seamless user experiences. As technology evolved, I transitioned to native app development for iOS and Android.

In recent years, I have focused on developing mobile apps using Flutter, a versatile framework by Google. Flutter’s ability to create beautiful, fast, and natively compiled apps from a single codebase has captivated me. I have become an expert in leveraging Flutter to build stunning and performant applications.

Aleksandar Bacheski’s journey in mobile app development is marked by his commitment to learning, adaptability, and passion for both technology and collaboration. His strengths and interests outside work further enrich his contributions at ⋮IWConnect.