⋮IWConnect Embraces Open Source Java: Exciting Moment for Our Java Team

05 Sep, 2023 | 4 minutes read

The software we use daily today, in the digital world, is becoming more and more important to our lives. Software and programming languages have essentially taken over as the foundation of contemporary society, from the apps on our smartphones to the systems that run our governments and enterprises. But have you ever wondered what motivates the creation of so many of these technologies and applications? Let’s explore the world of open-source software. More than just a catchphrase, open-source software represents a fundamental change in the way software is created, distributed, and maintained. It exemplifies the values of innovation, community, and cooperation. We’ll take you on a tour of open source in this blog, explaining what it is, why it matters, how it’s changing the tech industry, and why ⋮IWConnect’s Java team joined the open-source java development movement.

What is Open source?

Before we dive deeper, let’s see what open source is. At its essence, it refers to computer programs whose source code is made publicly accessible. This indicates that the code is open for anyone to examine, utilize, edit, and distribute, frequently with the help of licenses that promote cooperation and sharing. Transparency and openness are the main guiding principles here.

Open-source projects accept contributions from a wide range of people and organizations, unlike proprietary software, where the source code is strictly guarded and only accessible by the developers. This openness encourages a teamwork atmosphere where programmers, enthusiasts, and users may cooperate to continuously enhance the product. This is where ⋮IWConnect’s Java team found a place to contribute.

The Four Pillars of the Open-Source Movement

Four major pillars form the foundation of open-source software:

Open Access: Anyone with an interest can view the source code. This encourages openness and faith in the efficiency and security of the software. That is why ⋮IWConnect’s Java team decided to explore the world of open-source software.

Community-Driven: Open source depends on an international group of contributors who are passionate about a certain project for it to succeed. These groups collaborate to repair issues, add features, and maintain the software’s development.

Open-source software is frequently subject to licensing like the Apache License or the GNU General Public License (GPL). While upholding the principles of openness, these licenses specify the conditions under which the software may be used, updated, and distributed.

Innovation: The open-source paradigm fosters creativity by enabling developers to expand on already completed projects, resulting in the quick evolution of software in response to practical requirements. ⋮IWConnect’s Java team continuously finds ways to stay ahead and create value for clients, thus innovating and open-source software was the perfect chance to showcase creativity.

Why Open-Source Is Important?

The impact of open-source software extends beyond the realm of technology.

Accessibility: Open-source software is frequently free to use, which lowers expenses for people, companies, and organizations.

Flexibility: Because open-source software can be altered and customized, it can be adapted to meet requirements.

Security: Open-source code availability enables thorough security audits that make it easier to find and swiftly patch flaws.

Collaboration within the community: For developers and enthusiasts, open-source communities are a great place to learn, network, and advance your career.

Global Impact: The advantages of open-source software are felt by users all over the world. That is why ⋮IWConnect’s decided to contribute to open-source software.


The open-source movement exemplifies the best of human values – a willingness to share knowledge and work together towards a common goal. As developers, we should embrace this spirit of openness. Participating in open-source projects allows us to give back to the community, hone our skills, and be part of something bigger than ourselves.

For companies like IWConnect, open sourcing code provides an opportunity to build trust and goodwill among users. It also enables our projects to benefit from the creativity of the wider community. As believers in the power of openness, ⋮IWConnect’s Java team is excited to contribute to the open-source ecosystem, and we want to play our part in driving the future of technology.

Watch for our next articles as we explore the open-source software’s boundless possibilities, the amazing community that supports it and learn how ⋮IWConnect’s Java team made an incredible contribution to making it even better. The journey has only just begun!


What is the relevance of OpenJDK in the Java open-source movement?

Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) is implemented by OpenJDK, an acronym for “Open Java Development Kit.” Because all new features and enhancements to the Java language are first implemented and evaluated there, it plays a pivotal role in the Java open-source movement. It is the hub of activity for creating new software.

How does OpenJDK carry out Java language innovation and advancements?

OpenJDK includes the most widely used runtime environment (JRE) which includes a Java virtual machine (JVM), libraries, a Java compiler, and other tools necessary to compile and run Java applications. This system drives the innovation and advancement in Java programming language.

Why would software developers choose to use Eclipse Adoptium?

Eclipse Adoptium, previously known as AdoptOpenJDK, provides high-quality, professionally built OpenJDK binaries. It offers a competitive alternative for Java developers providing, not only the Java SE, but also high-quality tools for Java software development. Its prominence is increasing in the GitHub community.