Charting a Path to Success with Elena Ognenovska, HR Manager of ⋮IWConnect

26 Jun, 2023 | 4 minutes read

Working in HR involves interacting with people and shaping a company’s culture. Achieving success in HR is challenging and requires dedication and effort. Elena Ognenovska is the new HR manager at ⋮IWConnect. This article explores her journey and success in the HR field.

IWC: Can you tell us more about yourself and your professional background?

I have nearly nine years of experience in HR and administration and hold a bachelor’s degree in law. Throughout my career, I have worked in various HR roles in both small and large companies, overseeing the entire employee lifecycle, including recruitment, onboarding, training and development, performance management, and employee relations.

My most significant experience has been at ⋮IWConnect, where I have developed skills in talent acquisition, employee engagement, conflict resolution, and policy development. Currently, I manage a team of HR professionals, driving initiatives to enhance employee satisfaction and engagement. I focus on using data and analytics to make informed decisions and improve HR processes. I am passionate about fostering a positive work culture and developing talent. I believe that investing in employee growth and well-being contributes to overall organizational success.

In the future, I aim to continue making a positive impact in HR management by staying updated with industry trends, embracing innovative HR technologies, and contributing to strategic organizational growth through effective people management strategies.

IWC: How do you envision the role of HR in fostering a positive work culture within an IT company?

HR plays a crucial role in creating a positive work culture in an IT company. A healthy culture boosts employee engagement, satisfaction, and productivity. HR contributes by establishing clear company values, promoting open communication, encouraging work-life balance, investing in employee development, and embracing diversity and inclusion. Creating a positive workplace culture requires effort from HR, leadership, and employees. Together, we create an environment where employees feel valued, supported, and motivated.

IWC: As a newly appointed HR Manager, what are your immediate priorities and goals for ⋮IWConnect?

Since joining the HR department at ⋮IWConnect, I have seen many processes and practices implemented for the first time. This experience has given me valuable insights into the department’s challenges and strengths. My goal has always been to give my best and address the challenges HR faces. Aligning HR goals with the company’s objectives is essential for driving success.

My focus includes:

  • Aligning recruitment strategies with company growth plans and talent needs.
  • Aligning learning and development initiatives with company goals and skill requirements.
  • Identifying and developing future leaders in line with long-term growth and sustainability goals.
  • Implementing initiatives to improve employee retention and recognition, directly impacting productivity and performance.
  • Practicing effective performance management by setting clear expectations, providing feedback, and promoting a culture of continuous improvement and growth.

By prioritizing these strategies, I aim to contribute to the success of both the HR department and the company.

IWC: In what ways do you plan to support the growth and development of the employees within ⋮IWConnect?

At ⋮IWConnect, we prioritize employee growth and development, believing it is crucial to our company’s overall success. We support their professional and personal growth through various learning and development programs, offering opportunities in technical skills, leadership, communication, and problem-solving.

We recognize the importance of regular performance feedback and reviews. Therefore, we have a structured performance review process that provides constructive feedback, acknowledges achievements, and identifies areas for improvement.

We encourage promotions at ⋮IWConnect, providing opportunities for employees to take on new challenges and roles. We foster a culture of continuous improvement, empowering employees to experiment, innovate, and share ideas. Work-life balance is also a priority. We offer flexible working arrangements, wellness programs, and initiatives that promote well-being.

Our plan is to continue empowering our employees, providing them with the necessary support, resources, and opportunities to thrive both professionally and personally. By investing in their growth and development, we ensure the long-term success of our organization.

IWC: Is it challenging to attract and retain top talent in the competitive IT industry?

Yes, attracting and retaining top talent in the competitive IT industry is challenging due to the high demand for skilled professionals and the rapid advancement of technology. There is a shortage of qualified candidates in the market.

However, facing challenges and hard times builds resilience. We believe that overcoming difficulties stimulates growth more effectively than prosperous times.

IWC: With the rapid advancements in technology, how do you see HR adapting and evolving to meet the changing needs of the IT industry?

HR must adapt and evolve to meet the changing needs of the IT industry. It is crucial to focus on strategic workforce planning, continuous learning, agile recruitment and talent acquisition, data-driven decision-making, agile performance management, and flexible work arrangements. These strategies help HR departments support the industry’s dynamic needs and create an environment that attracts, engages, and retains top IT talent.

Additionally, HR professionals must embrace AI as a valuable tool for adapting to industry changes. By leveraging AI technologies, HR can optimize recruitment, enhance talent management, enable data-driven decision-making, and create a flexible work environment. AI can revolutionize various HR functions, such as recruitment, talent management, employee engagement, and data analysis. At ⋮IWConnect, we are already exploring and using AI to streamline processes and provide personalized employee experiences.

IWC: Lastly, managing the HR department of a company with a presence in multiple locations and diverse cultures can be challenging. How do you cope with that?

Managing HR for a company with multiple locations and diverse cultures is challenging. However, having a team of engaged and passionate individuals makes it easier. We focus on strategies that promote inclusivity, respect cultural differences, and ensure consistent HR practices. Effective communication and transparency help us support and respect each other, much like a family.