Breaking Down the Intricacies of the Different Types of Regression Testing

27 Jun, 2023 | 4 minutes read

Regression testing may not have the adrenaline rush of closing a big deal, but it holds its own as a critical process that guarantees glitch-free functionality after changes are made within a software system. In this article, I want to uncover the various types of regression tests, reveal its undeniable benefits, and provide insights on how to cherry-pick the right test cases for an effective and streamlined process.

So come along on this unexpected adventure as we delve deep into the world of regression testing. Who knows? You might just find yourself as captivated by it as I am now.

Understanding Regression Testing

Regression test is a specialized testing method that involves re-running a software’s unit of code to ascertain that recent modifications have not adversely affected its functionality. These modifications can occur in different forms like patches, functionality improvements, bug fixes, and more.

Importance of Regression Testing

In today’s dynamic software environment, products need to be regularly updated to meet users’ evolving demands. To ensure that these updates do not disrupt the existing software functionality, regression testing is vital. It helps eliminate potential threats linked with software updates and assures that the software remains in top-notch condition even after modifications.

When to Implement Regression Testing?

Regression testing can be conducted at any level of testing, be it Unit, Integration, System, or Acceptance. However, it is most suitable during system testing. The extent of regression testing often depends on the time constraints. Ideally, a full regression test is desirable, but if time is short, an impact analysis of the changes can be performed, focusing on the areas most likely to be affected by the modifications.

Types of Regression Testing

The best method for performing regression testing should be chosen based on a number of criteria, including the type of modifications made, the types of defects resolved, and so on. The most frequent forms of regression testing are as follows:

1. Corrective Regression Testing

When there have been no changes made to the product’s specification, existing test cases can be used to do the necessary tests, necessitating this type of testing.

2. Retest-all Regression Testing

This method entails checking everything about a product, including using previously used test cases even if no changes were made. This approach can be laborious, particularly if only little adjustments need to be made.

3. Selective Regression Testing

This technique is geared toward understanding how changes to existing software will affect the whole. By reusing a smaller set of previously run tests, we can save time and money.

4. Progressive Regression Testing

Changes to the program’s requirements and the creation of new test cases are what make this kind of testing so useful. It makes certain that improvements made in the new and improved version do not compromise those made in the prior one.

5. Complete Regression Testing

When several alterations have been made to the source code, full regression testing should be performed. It is employed in cases where the new modification will have an effect on the software’s fundamental structure. This sort of testing is invaluable for discovering hidden flaws.

6. Unit Regression Testing

Unit regression testing is primarily done in isolation, with the focus on a single code unit while blocking all dependencies and interactions.

The Value of Regression Analysis

Regression testing’s primary purpose is to find problems that may have arisen as a result of the new features, but it also has a number of other advantages:

  • The likelihood of finding errors produced by recent software updates is increased.
  • It’s useful for spotting problems that may have arisen as a result of switching to a different OS.
  • Early detection of flaws and defects guarantees higher-performing software.
  • When there are frequent updates to the product, this is a huge help.
  • It’s useful for preserving a high level of product quality.

Regression Testing Techniques

Depending on the circumstances, a number of methods exist for performing regression testing. Some frequent methods include the following:

1. Retest-all

This method requires running the entire test suite again. It’s more costly and time-consuming than other methods of testing, but the results are more reliable.

2. Regression Test Selection

This method uses the module’s code change to determine which test cases to run from the full suite. Regression testing is subsequently performed using the chosen test cases.

3. Test Case Prioritization

This method ranks test cases according to how crucial their corresponding features are. The test cases are then executed in order of importance.

4. Hybrid

The hybrid approach combines the Prioritization of Test Cases and the Selection of Regression Tests. It provides a convenient and adaptable testing environment.

How to Perform Regression Testing?

The scope of regression testing keeps increasing with the addition of new functionalities and changes in the code. Here are the steps to follow while performing this testing:

  • Prepare a test suite for your regression testing.
  • You can choose to automate these test cases.
  • Update your regression test suite as and when required.
  • Execute the Regression test suite specifically before production deployment or when a sprint ends, to ensure all previous functionality still operates as expected.
  • Retest your code whenever there is any code change, bug detection, or functionality update. This process, known as Retesting, differs from Regression testing.
  • Make a test report with the proper status reporting.

Tools For Regression Testing

At IWConnect we use several tools for the automation part of the regression testing. Some of our popular choices include RobotFramework, Codecept JS, Rapise, JMeter, and many more. The choice of tool depends on the specific testing requirements and the nature of the software.


This type of testing is a crucial part of the software testing process. It ensures that the current functionality of software remains intact even after modifications. With the right type of regression testing and the use of efficient tools, testers can ensure the delivery of high-quality software.

For more information about our QA testing services at ⋮IWConnect, please feel free to reach out to us. We have a team of experienced professionals who can guide you through the testing process and ensure your software meets the highest standards of quality.