Beyond the Screen: 14 Questions to Unveil the Minds Behind Our App DevOps and Managed Service Team

22 Oct, 2024 | 5 minutes read

Have you ever wondered about the individuals who keep complex systems running smoothly? Our App DevOps and Managed Service team is the backbone of our operations, ensuring your applications perform flawlessly.

In this blog series, we’ll offer a glimpse into the lives and minds of our talented team members. Through open interviews, you’ll discover their unique perspectives, passions, and the challenges they face daily.

From their favorite relaxation techniques to their most memorable career moments, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the individuals dedicated to delivering exceptional service. So, let’s dive in and discover what makes our team tick!

IWC: What’s your favorite way to unwind after a long day of monitoring systems?
Jana M: Every day after my shift ends, I relax while listening to music and solving sudoku puzzles. Working out is also helpful in maintaining my work-life balance and keeping me physically active after being in front of the laptop for 8 hours.

IWC: How do you stay alert and focused during extended monitoring shifts?
Jana M: Every time an outage happens outside of the usual working hours, coffee becomes my best friend 😀 Staying focused is essential in those moments, and drinking something energizing and taking frequent breaks throughout the day (if possible) are things I always do while solving the issues and bringing the environment back to normal.

Jana Miceska, Techical Consultant

Jovana Petrovska, Intermediate Technical Consultant 

IWC: If you could have dinner with any programmer in history, who would it be and why?
Jovana: I would choose Grace Hopper for dinner as she was a pioneering computer scientist who made significant contributions to programming and is famous for developing the first compiler, which laid the groundwork for modern programming languages. I would love to discuss her experiences in the early days of computing, and it would be fascinating to hear her thoughts on how far technology has come.
IWC: What’s the most challenging SnapLogic project you’ve worked on, and what did you learn from it?
Jovana: Each project has its own challenges in terms of the things it covers. Still, the most challenging SnapLogic project was my very first one, which involved integrating real-time data from multiple sources. Still, they were experiencing frequent data and performance issues. Learning a new environment like SnapLogic was the main challenge due to its unique interface and the variety of integration tools it offers.
This experience taught me the importance of proactive communication and collaboration with clients. It reinforced my understanding of how crucial it is to ensure data quality from the outset. This project improved my problem-solving skills and deepened my knowledge of SnapLogic’s capabilities, allowing me to provide more effective support in future engagements.

IWC: What’s your go-to AWS service, and why do you find it particularly useful?
Igor: My go-to AWS service is Amazon EKS because it simplifies the management of Kubernetes clusters, allowing me to focus on deploying and scaling containerized applications rather than managing the underlying infrastructure.
EKS takes care of the control plane, security updates, and scalability, making it particularly useful for running highly available, distributed applications.
For instance, I used EKS to deploy a microservices-based application, which allowed me to easily scale different components independently while ensuring high availability and minimal downtime.

IWC: If you weren’t working in tech, what alternative career path would you have chosen?
Igor: If I wasn’t working in tech, I’d pursue a career connected to swimming.

Igor Bozhinovski, Intermediate Technical Consultant

Janku Popovski, Sr. Technical Consultant

IWC: How do you explain your job to friends and family who aren’t that familiar with IT?
: I help keep computers and software running smoothly, ensuring everything works for people using them.

IWC: What’s the most exciting technological advancement you’re looking forward to in the next 5 years?
Janku: One of the most exciting advancements I’m looking forward to in the next five years is the evolution of cloud computing, particularly with platforms like Azure. As businesses increasingly move to the cloud, I anticipate significant improvements in areas like AI integration, serverless computing, and enhanced security features.

IWC: If you could instantly become an expert in one area outside of your current role, what would it be?
Jana: If I could instantly become an expert in one area outside my current role, I would choose architecture. Understanding design and structural concepts would enable me to appreciate and contribute to creating beautiful, functional spaces.

IWC: What’s your approach to staying up to date with the latest technologies in your field?
Jana: I stay up to date with the latest technologies by regularly reading industry blogs, attending webinars and conferences, and engaging with professional communities online. This helps me stay informed about emerging trends and best practices.

Jana Najdovska, Intermediate Technical Consultant

Andrijana Gjeorgieva, Intermediate Technical Consultant

IWC: What’s your favorite morning ritual and how does it help you stay relaxed during the day?
Andrijana: My ideal morning routine begins with a steaming cup of mint tea and a few chapters of a good book. I typically delve into technical topics like systems infrastructure, cloud provisioning, or databases and SQL. As the first rays of sunlight peek through my curtains, I snuggle up with my book and let my mind wander through the pages. This ritual not only wakes me up but also prepares my mind for the complex challenges ahead. It’s like warming up my brain for a mental puzzle, ensuring I’m calm yet sharp when I begin my workday.

IWC: Can you share a time when you had to think outside the box to solve a complex technical issue?

Andrijana: Throughout my career, I’ve often had to think creatively to solve technical problems, even with unfamiliar tools. For instance, when upgrading Java on 22 Linux machines, I automated the process with a Bash script, improving efficiency and reducing downtime. The key is to always be open to new solutions and find ways to work smarter

Darko Jovanovski, Technical Consultant

IWC: If you could automate one daily task in your personal life, what would it be?
Darko: Automating one daily task in my personal life, it would be preparing my meals. By having a smart kitchen that plans a week’s worth of meals based on my preferences, prepares the food, and cooks it at the desired time. That way I could come home to a freshly cooked meal every day without putting too much effort.

IWC: What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned from a colleague or mentor in your career?
Darko: Work the problem. Instead of reacting to challenges, take a moment to find focus and perspective. This shift transforms the approach into problem-solving, turning problems into opportunities for growth.