Automated SnapLogic Documentation with Pete: A Secret Weapon for SnapLogic Developers

24 Sep, 2024 | 4 minutes read

Let’s be honest—creating documentation isn’t the most thrilling part of a SnapLogic developer’s job. Yet, it’s critical.

Every developer knows the hours spent on it, painstakingly organizing every piece of information, only to again face the inevitable: keeping that documentation up-to-date.

Now, imagine getting that time back. Like getting two hours of your day back that you can spend on development instead of writing the most uninteresting piece of literature. Pete does just that, and much more.

Documentation in Minutes—Not Days

ai code review for snaplogic projects

Think about the last time you documented a SnapLogic project. Boring, right? Now, what if there was a way to cut that by a lot. Pete automates your SnapLogic documentation process, allowing you to focus on what truly matters—development, not paperwork.

As Petar the product owner of Pete puts it: “It will be more than 99% saving of the time.” That’s not just a claim. It’s very real. We’ve tested it. Our clients have confirmed it.

With Pete, your documentation is always up-to-date. No more manual edits, no more wasted time.

The best part? It’s automated. Once you create the documentation, after every change you make, Pete updates it without you lifting a finger. Your pipelines evolve, and so does your documentation.

Seamless Integration with Existing Platforms

Here’s where our tool stands out: its seamless integration. Whether your team uses Confluence, SharePoint, or even relies on PDF documentation, Pete adapts to your workflow. No need for complex configurations or switching tools.

Pete slides right into your current setup with minimal configuration. It’s cloud-based, which means no downloads or installs. In just minutes, Pete is up and running, ready to do the heavy lifting for you.

Now, that’s efficiency without disruption.

Reverse Engineering and Dependency Diagrams

VA Pete benefits for snaplogic developers

Ever tried reverse-engineering a SnapLogic project? It’s time-consuming, frustrating, and can feel like finding your way through a maze. Pete changes that. With the dependency diagrams feature, you are able to see the entire picture of your SnapLogic project—instantly.

You can see every single detail of your project, neatly laid out. No digging, no guesswork. Every component, every connection—automatically mapped.

Even better? You can export these diagrams to, making collaboration and updates easy. We call this—true insight.

Code Review that Elevates Quality

Pete’s automation doesn’t stop at documentation. With the latest update we’ve added AI code review too.

It evaluates your SnapLogic code based on three key metrics:

  • Code Quality
  • Security
  • Error Handling

This means you get real-time feedback on your code—making sure it’s not just functional, but scalable and secure. And the best part?  The AI-powered code review analyzes 27 distinct metrics, with a third of them customizable to fit your organization’s unique coding standards.

This ensures that Pete’s code review adapts to your project’s specific needs, whether it’s enforcing naming conventions, error handling protocols, or security measures.

Tailoring these review metrics, Pete helps teams catch issues early, ensuring the code is not only functional but scalable and secure. This results in cleaner, more efficient code that meets both technical and organizational standards—automatically, and in real-time.

A Cloud-Based Solution Built for Scale

One of the most common concerns in today’s business world is where the data lives and how secure it is. That is why Pete runs entirely in the cloud, hosted on Azure, ensuring not only scalability but also top-notch security.

No on-premise installation required.

For teams working remotely or scaling across different geographies, Pete’s cloud infrastructure provides the reliability you need.

A Smarter, Faster Way to Manage Your SnapLogic Projects

Now after all of the nice words, you’re probably wondering—why doesn’t SnapLogic handle documentation themselves?

The answer is simple: SnapLogic excels at pipelines. And we thank them for that. A lot of businesses thank them for that. They’ve practically invented modern integration. But Pete? It’s designed for project-level governance. While SnapLogic powers your integrations, Pete makes sure you can manage, document, and govern them with ease. It’s not about replacing SnapLogic’s functionality, it’s about a value add that complements the platform in a beautiful way.


Pete is more than a time-saving tool—it’s your partner in creating high-quality, well-documented, and secure SnapLogic projects. From automated documentation to real-time AI code reviews, Pete makes sure you’re always ahead of the game.

For people who lead development teams, Pete offers the insight, efficiency, and automation needed to stay on top of projects. With seamless integration for exporting the documentation, reverse-engineering capabilities into dependency diagrams, and cloud-based convenience, Pete is the tool you didn’t know you needed.

Ready to level up your SnapLogic game? We are here to help.