Month: April 2022

Automate, Orchestrate and Scale Your Workflows with Apache Airflow

What is workflow management? These days, the flow of information, data, and documents within a company is enormous. Companies usually use the good old cron jobs (and schedule them in order to start), or vendors have triggering capabilities on their packages already. But then, more data and more documents are coming and eventually, the next […]

Effective Mentorship Programs Build Successful Teams

Many people underestimate the power that mentorship programs have, but they can have an extremely positive impact on your business. They are an awesome way to build strong and successful teams, and due to that, we have been organizing mentorship programs internally for a long time. Recently, we have decided to take a step further […]

Building Features Without Worrying About the Infrastructure with Dapr

Introduction Building enterprise-grade applications that should communicate with various other services and contain multiple building blocks are one of the most common things today. Usually, those applications are part of some bigger distributed systems and should be built by multiple teams where each team focuses on a certain building block. Keeping the solution clean, easy […]