Content Hub

It takes two to tango, but it takes a bunch of highly enthusiastic and technology-driven individuals to make the impossible possible. Hand-to-hand we laugh, live, brainstorm, work hard and achieve outstanding results.

RAG based GPT

Deploying your RAG-based GPT Solutions Using Microsoft Azure OpenAI

AI Robot hand, ChatGPT

Crafting Your Customized ChatGPT with Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service

microsoft partner

Why We Made It on the List of Microsoft Partner ...

Optimizing Enterprise Order Processing: Seamless Integration with Microsoft Azure Services

Automating the Order Process to Improve Customer Acquisition, Engagement, and ...

Why do we love Microsoft Ignite?

8 Gold Competencies in Microsoft Partner Network

Sinergija 2020- Using Microsoft Healthboth to enhance the healthcare system

Building a Simple Linear Regression Model Using Microsoft Azure Machine ...